WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress.

WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other.

Above sentence defines all about WordCamp. But I would like to add something to it based on my experience. I feel like it is giving back to the community by the community. WordCamp is a conference where people of different knowledge, newbies to expert professionals come together sharing and contributing to the community. We get to know the general idea of how people around the local communities are involved in different sections like core, plugins and themes of WordPress from the sessions that we can find in WordCamps.

The best part of WordCamp is Networking and of course swags :). You will get chance to speak to amazing people within the country and international peoples as well and can know their experience and success stories.

It was back in 2014 when I was just starting my career as a WordPress developer, I was very excited about the event from the day when I came to know the WordCamp date. Even though I am not good at networking, I got a chance to know lots of new things from the event. New ways to contribute and build my own knowledge of WordPress. And till today, it has been a great experience with WordPress and people involved in the community.

Back then, WordCamp here was centralized stating as WordCamp Nepal. But the community is changing here in Nepal and growing, trying to decentralize throughout Nepal organizing meetups and seminars changing the name WordCamp Nepal to WordCamp Kathmandu. And the new enthusiastic people showing their interests on WordPress.

This 2 days, 17 – 18 March has been such a great day. The first day was all those sessions on different aspects of WordPress and how we can use it for building a beautiful website. On the second day, Contribution day which was new on this WordCamp Kathmandu 2018. A day well spent, contributing to the community through different ways to get involved with WordPress like Support, Theme Review, Polyglot, Documentation and Community. I found this as the best part of WordCamp this year.

I am looking forward to another amazing WordCamp that will be held here in Nepal and hope it starts in different places here in Nepal and would get myself involved in coming WordCamps.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "#wcktm2018 ends today"
$ git push

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